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  • Banned problem

    I've been banned twice without any reason. When I asking for clarification they not giving me any evidence. Simply cheap accusation or banning programs. 1st ban was sage ban. 2nd I can't log in my main IGN. So without any idea why they banned me, I making an assumption this is because of hunting BOSS. JUST AN ASSUMPTION BECAUSE I DON'T REALLY KNOW WHAT IS WRONG. Anyone else from EN36 that have same banning issue? Before EN36 I play at EN15 and there is no issue. Might this EN36 has stupid people who keep doing false report for personal gain or the personnel who handle this case is such a dumb. If I continue to play and still banned for no reason this is a weak people working on this matter. BTW I play on ROG phone 3 and my laptop gigabyte g5. Maybe you guys have programs detect this 2 device have 3rd party tool or something bullshit on it. BTW enjoy banning people.

  • #2

    Hello there,

    Devs have been informed about this issue!
    However, I would like to apologize as I will not be able to assist you directly.
    Please tap the 'Appeal' button and fill in your account details. Our team will assist you from there!

