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  • Feedback/Complaint

    I hope the developers can learn to deal with disputes appropriately and professionally. I've dealt with the in game support system multiple times and have found the responses to be unhelpful and generic at best. They ultimately do not resolve any issues and close the case. How can the game expect players to stay loyal and spend money when they're not given support when they face issues.

    Description of issue:
    The Freyr coin exchange shop displays vouchers so players can exchange previous headwear. Voucher description clearly states 'Use it to exchange any Deep Sea Lover Headwear~'. I purchase the voucher for 9 Freyr coins, expecting to exchange for my desired headwear. When I clicked on the exchange voucher the item I sought after was the only item that required 5 vouchers (45 Freyr coins) to exchange. There was no description or warning to let players know beforehand. This means I've wasted 9 Freyr coins. I contacted the support team to reverse this. They have instead replied with "We tested this feature and it is working as intended. We are unable to retrieve or exchange items for such cases". They even have the audacity to ask me to join their private facebook group community or unofficial discord so that "other player's would be glad to share their experiences with me". This is an extremely unprofessional way to deal with the situation. You have participated in false advertising, scamming your customers.

    I hope the support team will contact me with a proper resolution.
    Last edited by exie2; 06-18-2021, 09:25 PM.

  • #2
    The support team of this game has been bad for a long time, as well as no proper way to be able to contact support at all. Room for improvement but they just don't care

